Welcome to the Wood group web site!
We are located in the Natural Sciences Complex in the Department of Chemistry at the University at Buffalo. Our group research is focused around bioanalytical mass spectrometry. Instrumentation (with an emphasis on fundamentals) and applications are both central elements of our research program. Currently we focus on discovery of biological markers, imaging mass spectrometry, and proteomics.
I hope you enjoy the visit. Do not hesitate to drop me an email message with questions.
Foster Seminars
Fridays, Spring 2020
4:00 pm in NSC 228
Group Meetings
415 NSC
Fridays 1 PM

March 2019

The Wood Lab is congratulates our own Emily Sekera as the Graduate Student of the Month. Read more about her here.
December 2018

Emily Sekera and Dr. Wood published a paper on the fragmentation of tetrapyrroles that appeared as the cover of Mass Spectrometry Letters. The article can be found here.